Corporation Partners | 2020 Dallas Census
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Corporation Partners

The U.S. Census provides businesses with valuable data and can have a profound effect on local economies. As a vibrant business in America, you most likely value the rich data furnished by each decade’s census – data on communities, population trends, growth projections and demographics. Businesses like yours use this valuable data to make better business decisions on expansions, closures, hiring strategies, mitigate risk and increasing return on investment.

Obtaining a complete and accurate count is vital to all Americans. Help us spread the word on the importance of taking the 2020 U.S. Census.

Packaging Factory
Why Is the Census Important to Corporations?

The U.S. Census can be a vital tool for corporations that operate in Dallas County. Here are just some of the reasons you should consider becoming a 2020 Census Partner. Census data:

  • Provides the basis for distributing grants for economic development

  • Helps inform smart business decisions, such as those involving expansions, hiring and mitigating risk

  • Helps identify areas for expanding and closing operations

  • Enhances hiring practices and can help identify skilled workers

  • Provides valuable data on your customer base, such as income levels, household size and home ownership

  • Dictates the funding your community receives and its representation in Congress

How You Can Help

By partnering with the U.S. Census Bureau, you can help spread awareness and census education to your clients, customers and employees. Let them know that obtaining a full and accurate count is not only vital to businesses but to communities as well – as the distribution in billions of dollars to important community programs is determined by census data. Here are just a few of the ways your corporation can help:


  • Raise awareness and educate your employees and customers on the importance of the census through your communication channels (such as social media, newsletter and website)

  • Host an informational event or invite Census Bureau staff to speak at your business

  • Host a workshop with your company’s leaders, employees or influential partners to discuss ways of promoting the 2020 Census

  • Encourage your customers to consider working for the census. They can view jobs at


Business Woman Typing

Provide an area within your business with computers or tablets for employees or customers to respond to the census online.

Discover data tools and resources to help your business at

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